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FlexCorp Bushfire Appeal

We have all been saddened to see the tragedy unfolding in the southern states of Australia due to the horrendous bushfires.

The loss to human life and possessions as well as our Australian Wildlife is devastating. We at FlexCorp want to help in the re-building and recovery.

We are asking our Customers to make a monetary donation to an Agency of their choice and we here at FlexCorp will match your donation dollar for dollar.

I have listed below some of the more well-known Agencies who are ensuring any monies raised are reaching those in need, however, donations can be made to a fund of your choice.

Red Cross

Salvation Army Bushfire Appeal

Rural Fire Service

If you can donate, please email your receipt to Paula Reid at and we will match your generosity dollar for dollar (and provide our receipt as proof if required). We have set a maximum donation of $10,000.00

Yours faithfully

Les Scanlon Managing Director