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Our Vision

To see ourselves as a quality company in the manufacturing industry and to offer our customers the highest quality material available while being conscious of the environment.

We endeavour to offer our customers the maximum level of service at all times.

Our Mission

Our mission at Flexipanel is to be recognised as an ethical and environmentally responsible company, not only within our state of Queensland, but within Australia.

We have recycling programmes in place in order to reduce carbon footprint.

Our Scope

Manufacture and supply of decorative melamine board and supply of associated products to commercial and residential industries including but not limited to cabinetmakers and builders.

Our Policy

Flexipanel has established and maintains an efficient and effective integrated management system (IMS) based on the requirements of ISO 9001 – Quality and ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety.

Flexipanel will review and audit the integrated management system periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to:

  • The purpose, size and context of Flexipanel
  • The nature, scale and environmental impacts of our activities, products and services
  • The specific nature of our Occupational Health and safety risks and opportunities

Measurable objectives for our (IMS) will be set to support our strategic direction and will be continually reviewed to ensure their relevance, effectiveness and the continual improvement of the integrated management system.

Flexipanel is committed to:

  • The satisfaction of our customers through the provision of the highest quality material available
  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work – related injury and ill health
  • Eliminate hazards and reduce Occupational health and safety risks
  • Promote the consultation and participation of workers, and where they exist, workers representatives
  • Protect the environment, including prevention of pollution, reduction of energy consumption and better management of waste
  • Satisfy applicable requirements and fulfill our compliance obligations and legal requirements and other requirements such as regulatory, legislative and statutory requirements, standards, specifications and codes of practice relevant to our integrated management system.

As Director of Flexipanel, I fully support the pursuit of quality and support the staff as they participate in the implementation of the integrated management system. I am accountable for the effectiveness of the (IMS).

I am committed to communicate and make available this policy to interested parties as well as review it periodically to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to Dlexipanel.

Les Scanlon (Director)
31st October, 2024